Beach Babies sow the seed for Landbeach Tithe Barn’s future
Beach Babies’ pre-schoolers recently visited Landbeach Tithe Barn and helped Alan Shipp, Tithe Barn Trust Trustee and retired Farmer, sow some wheat seed. They plan to return to the barn in the summer and help harvest and thresh the crop.
The Tithe Barn reflects the agricultural heritage of the Fen Edge villages and is an important part of our local community history.

Tithe Barns hint at a different side of history, not just the story of the wealthy. The Tithe Barn would have been used to store taxes, a tenth of all crops to the church, the contributions being stacked in the barn for winter threshing and storage.
The Tithe Barn Trust
The Tithe Barn Trust is a small charity and volunteer not-for profit group aiming to save and sympathetically restore the Grade II Listed Tithe Barn, in Landbeach, for community use.
Gemma O’Shea, Tithe Barn Trust Chair, says “We’ve just submitted a major grant application for almost £400,000. We’re keeping our fingers crossed, but the more pledges and donations we receive from the community, the more likely our grant applications will be successful and the dream of restoring the Tithe Barn will be realised. Through our project we plan to not only save and sensitively restore the unique and rare Tithe Barn, but bring new life to this disused historic building. We aim to open the barn to a wider audience and tell its story. If successful with our fundraising quest we will improve the access track so that the barn is accessible for all, including those with disabilities. The project also incorporates plans to provide basic facilities to the barn (such as toilets, power and water supply) sensitively integrated without detracting from its special character, so that its use increases and it generates an income for ongoing repair and maintenance, thus creating a sustainable future.”
We’ll be holding a further public consultation to finalise the end use of the barn. However, we envisage the future of the barn may include schools and education visits, public open days, functions such as wedding ceremonies, film and photoshoot location hire and community events such as Farmers Markets. We welcome your ideas and comments on this topic, so get in touch via
We’ve been working hard; however, we still need your help to save this gem at the heart of Landbeach. The barn is in a poor condition and deteriorating. We believe the Tithe Barn, with thatched roof and historic brick and timber floor, to be unique to Cambridgeshire and even of national significance. Experts suggest that it may well date from the medieval period. Over 90% of Tithe Barns have been converted in the UK.
As part of the Fen Edge Festival we’ll be opening the Tithe Barn for visitors on the 24th and 25th June from 2pm-5pm. There will even be a 1969 classic coach to transport you to and from the festival in Cottenham to the barn in Landbeach. Come along and chat with the Tithe Barn Trust team.
3 Ways YOU can get involved;
1. Make a pledge today at
2. Become a Friend. Visit
3. Volunteer or become a trustee. Email to find out more
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How to find the Tithe Barn
Kissing gate entrance is opposite No 2 Waterbeach Road, Landbeach, Cambridge, CB25 9FA. Walk along the grassed track along the hedge. Free parking or No. 9 Stagecoach (Cambridge <-> Littleport) bus stops near Cockfen Lane.