Cambridge Open Art Exhibition 2017
The Cambridge Open Art Exhibition at Swavesey Village College is on Friday to Sunday 17,18,19 November 2017. With something for everyone – traditional and contemporary paintings, sculpture and prints, crafts and cards to buy, creative activities for children and a “win-a-picture”. Entry on Saturday and Sunday is free and there will be a a café.
The exhibition aims to support local artists and therefore all artwork is sold commission free. Although this is a non-selective exhibition open to anyone over 18, we are always impressed by the high standard of work received and this year is no exception.
The Preview Reception takes place on Friday 18th at 6.30pm (Tickets £5) and The Cambridge Art Awards will be announced at 7.00pm, with an opening address from Dr Catherine Burke, Reader in History of Childhood and Education at Cambridge University. She has strong views concerning the importance of creativity in the school curriculum and the organisers of this major open exhibition fully support this.
The pupils and staff of Swavesey Village College are involved in all aspects of raising the exhibition and this provides wide-ranging learning opportunities for the students with some working towards their Silver Arts Award. Last year a charity element was introduced and donations made at the exhibition go towards the Johabeto Orphanage in Kitale, Kenya.
This year the Cambridge Art Awards will be judged by John McGill, Sculptor; Sheila Ceccarelli, Co-founder and Director of Access Art; and Alastair Hull from Haddenham Galleries with prizes kindly donated from HMC Framing, Milton. The judging panel will also decide on the Top Twenty artists who will go forward to a pre-Christmas show at the popular Haddenham Galleries.
Alongside the exhibition this year we have a new project “Walk into the Arts” funded by Cambridgeshire Community Foundation, inspiring lifelong interest and participation in the arts through interactive experiences; Installation by artist Steve Ferris entitled “An Eidophusikon” (natural appearance); children’s art activities; win-a-picture prize draw.
Swavesey Village College
Gibraltar Lane
CB24 4RS