Clubs, Groups and Societies


Cambridgeshire Geological Society
Martin Evans
Rotary Club Cambridge South
Mike Smith
Stitch Wild
Diane Cowell

Fen Edge

Cottenham Village College PTFA (Parents Teachers and Friends Association)
Fen Edge Archaeology Group
Vicki Harley
Fen Edge Orchestra
Jeremy Rodgers
Fen Edge Twinning Association
Pauline Woodward
Fen Edge Walkers
Christopher Goldsmith


1st Cottenham Brownies
Lisa Nicoll
2nd Cottenham Brownies
Julie Percival
2nd Cottenham Scout Group
Peter Murphy
3rd Cottenham Brownies
Chris Hurworth
Cottenham & District Ploughing Society
Paul Smith
Cottenham Bowls Club
Eric Hobbs
Cottenham Bowls Club
Roger Watson
Cottenham Community Allotment
Sue Arnold
Cottenham Community Land Trust
Frank Morris
Cottenham Cricket Club
David Partridge
Cottenham Gardeners Club
Sarah Dumont
Cottenham Guides, Brownies & Rainbows
Deanna Raven
Cottenham Jaguars Netball Club
Club Secretary
Cottenham junior parkrun
Laura Gogarty
Cottenham Primary School PTCA
School Office
Cottenham Renegades RUFC
Eddie Murphy
Cottenham Theatre Workshop
John Unwin
Cottenham United Colts FC
Simon Rose
Cottenham Village Society
Sarah Crisall
Cottenham Women's Institute
Gillian Ballard
Friends of All Saints' Cottenham
John Stanford
Whirl & Twirl Round Dance Club
Suzanne Baldry


Friends of Worts Meadow
Frances Dipper
Landbeach Party in the Park
Landbeach PnP Organising Committee


All Saints’ Church Rampton Action Group
Judith Middleton
Rampton Tea Club
Sylvia Beaumont


Waterbeach Angling Club
Stephen Pearson
Waterbeach Community Association
Pam Clack
Waterbeach Cricket Club
Alasdair Pentland
Waterbeach Military Heritage Museum
Adrian Wright


Friends of Willingham Church
Rosemary Tiley
Saint Mary and All Saints Willingham
Willingham Action Group
Paul Knighton
Willingham Baptist Church Kid's Friday Club (Years 1-6)
Lorraine Bald
Willingham Baptist Church Youth Club (Years 7-9)
Bev Thomas
Willingham Gardening Club
Rebecca Waters
Willingham Guides and Rangers
Lynn McGoff
Willingham Memory Box Cafe
Frances Watts
Willingham Women's Institute
Wendy Law
Willingham Youth Trust
Jack Stinton
Willingham Life