Cottenham Community Centre Repair Cafe

If you have something that’s broken, or needs adjusting or sharpening, why not bring it along to the Cottenham Community Centre Repair Café on Saturday 24 February 2018 from 10am to 2pm? We repair all kinds of things – from bikes to toasters to baby buggies, radios, computers, printers, ornaments – almost anything you can carry, in fact! We like to show you how we do it, so that if it happens again, you can do it yourself. Both repairers and repairees have a very enjoyable and rewarding time.

Cottenham Community Centre Repair CafeIf you’re a whiz at repairing things, and can spare a few hours on the day, come along as a repairer – show what you can do, and learn new repair techniques from other repairers. We have a very comprehensive toolkit and supply of consumables, donated by Draper Tools and Mackays of Cambridge, so you don’t even need to bring your own tools, unless you want to!

Actually, booking on this website isn’t mandatory. It’s helpful if you can let us know ahead of time what you plan to bring, and what the problem is, as it will increase the chances of us having the correct tools and spares. Book here to let us know you’re coming, and then please send an email to, telling us what you’re planning to bring for repair – or if you’re a repairer, the kinds of things you’re good at fixing.

We look forward to seeing you there – Cottenham Community Centre Repair Café, 250A High Street, Cottenham, Cambridgeshire CB24 8RZ
Tel: 01954 253903
Email :
Twitter : #repaircafecham