Cottenham Theatre Workshop – Peter Panto 6-9 December
We’re happy to announce that you can now order your tickets for our Christmas Pantomime – Peter Panto!
Adapted from J.M. Barrie’s play and written/directed by long-standing CTW member Kerry O’Connell, our latest Christmas show follows the usual story of Peter Pan you all know and love – with some Panto twists and turns! Including some wayward Love Island contestants, a very social-media savvy crocodile, and a classic villain to boo and hiss – you’ll be sure to find something for everyone in this show.
When and where? The show will run from Wednesday 6 December – Saturday 9 December 2023 at Cottenham Village College.
Weekday performances begin at 7.30pm, Saturday matinee is at 1pm and the Saturday evening performance starts at 5.30pm.
Tickets: £10 for adults, £8 for under 16s.
Book over 10 tickets for a performance and receive a 10% discount!