Cottenham Village College supports Landbeach Tithe Barn
Have you spotted the sheaf of longstraw yet? As part of their ‘Sponsor a Sheaf’ campaign, the Landbeach Tithe Barn Trust, a small charity and volunteer not-for profit group, are sending a sheaf of longstraw to different locations around Cambridgeshire until they raise enough to re-thatch and restore the Tithe Barn in Landbeach, near Cambridge.
This week Cottenham Village College students and staff showed their support for the Lanbeach Tithe Barn project. Helen Cassady, Cottenham Village College Principal, says “I believe the Landbeach Tithe Barn is an important part of our local history. We are proud to support the project and to look forward to experiencing the barn in its former medieval glory.”

Cottenham Village College students with their Principal, Helen Cassady, and Vice Principal, Joy Hadley, with the Landbeach Tithe Barn sheaf of longstraw
The Tithe Barn Trust aims to save and sympathetically restore the Grade II Listed Tithe Barn for everyone to enjoy, but we need you to help us. We estimate we’ll need 5 tonnes of locally sourced hand drawn Longstraw to rethatch the roof. The public can help by sponsoring a sheaf for as little as £5
The Tithe Barn Trust believes the medieval Tithe barn, with thatched roof, brick threshing floor and timber granary, to be unique to Cambridgeshire and even of national significance. It is one of the few Tithe Barns in the country still standing next to its medieval rectory. Over 90% of Tithe Barns in the UK have been converted and their historic features are being lost forever. Sadly, the Landbeach Tithe Barn is in a poor condition and deteriorating.
Key to the Tithe Barn Trust’s charitable aim is maximising public access to the Tithe Barn, once restored, and education. We want to ensure that the Tithe Barn has a vibrant and sustainable future.
On Saturday 10th February from 10am – 1pm volunteer and get active and involved at our ‘Outdoor gym’ and help us tidy the hedge and grass track to the Tithe Barn. The barn will be open to visit too.
Pencil Sunday 8 April in your diary too for our ‘I-Spy the barn’s wildlife & Grow your own’ event from 2pm – 5pm. Families can spot the barn’s wildlife and claim a prize. Then sow seeds to take home and grow your own veg for our July competition.
Follow the Tithe Barn Trust on Twitter @TBarnT and like us on Facebook to keep updated about our events and to find out where the sheaf of longstraw will be next week.
3 Ways YOU can get involved;
- Make a donation today
- Become a Friend
- Volunteer. Email to find out more.
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