Drama and Singing Classes coming to Cottenham

Budding thespians and hairbrush popstars unite! 4th Dimension Dance are excited to be opening both drama and singing groups at Cottenham Community Centre in January 2018! They will be holding FREE taster classes for all to try on the following dates:

  • Monday 8th January from 5 pm to 5.45pm: DRAMA ONLY (8-13+ years)
  • Saturday 13th January from 11.45am to 12.30pm: DRAMA & SINGING (4-7 years)

To bDrama and Singing Cottenham Community Centreook your place please email admin@4d-dance.co.uk with your child’s name, age and which taster session they will be attending. If you are based in Cottenham, Histon, Impington, Oakington, Rampton, Landbeach, Waterbeach, Willingham or any of the surrounding villages then we’d love to meet you! 4th Dimension Dance

This is open to all – not just existing 4D students – so feel free to invite friends and siblings along too! If you’re already a member of 4D then you will also receive a 10% discount on all fees when signing up to either of these new classes in addition to your existing dance session.

Drama and Singing Cottenham Community Centre