FECA and the FEFF – We need you!
The Fen Edge Family Festival 2015 (FEFF) attracted large numbers of visitors and the organising Committee has received many messages of thanks and congratulations. For many of you, the event has probably become a distant memory now replaced by memories of holidays or days enjoying the sunshine.
However, once one event is over, it’s not long before planning needs to start for the next one. If it happens, the next one would take place in 2017. The planning and organisation of the FEFF has always been carried out by a sub-Committee of the Fen Edge Community Association (FECA) and both groups need new people to keep things going.
FECA is a charity that supports clubs and groups that contribute towards the social, recreational and leisure facilities in the Fen Edge (Cottenham, Willingham, Waterbeach, Rampton and Landbeach). You may know it from the FEFF, the Fen Edge News and the Cottenham Fun Run. FECA raises funds that are available to support groups in the Fen Edge and events like the FEFF enable local groups and charities to raise their own funds.
Many of the people who have served for a number of years on the FECA Committee or on the FEFF Committee (many on both) now need to move on to other commitments and will be standing down at the AGM in May 2016. Now is a good time to bring in new people with fresh ideas who want to be part of making the Fen Edge a vibrant community and who would like to gain an insight into FECA.
We are inviting people who would be interested in any of the following roles: Chair of FECA; Treasurer, Editor of the Fen Edge News; Trustee of the FECA Committee, Secretary of the FECA Committee or member of the FEFF sub-Committee to contact me on chairfenedge@gmail.com or to write to: Eileen Wilson, Chair, Fen Edge Community Association Office, Cottenham Village College, High St Cottenham, CB24 8UA.
Any of the FECA Committee members would be happy to talk to you about what these roles entail but nothing is set in stone and you would be welcome to come along to future meetings to find out more and perhaps think about any innovations that you would like to introduce or just to ensure a smooth handover for the Treasurer, Chair and Fen Edge News Editor roles.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Eileen Wilson
The Fen Edge Community Association