Operation Christmas Child
Do you ever feel overwhelmed about the many charity appeals all of which seem be from well deserving causes? I know I do, but wonder how to choose which ones to respond to?
Perhaps you will allow me to suggest ‘Operation Christmas Child’ which is a charity whose aim is to give gift filled shoe boxes to needy children in many parts of the world.
The charity, which began helping children in orphanages in Romania, is Christian based but boxes are given to needy children regardless of race, ethnicity, faith or no faith. Nothing is asked or expected in return, in fact nothing of a religious nature is permitted in the boxes although some Christian based story books are given if appropriate but, then, only with parental consent.
Since the beginning, millions of decorated shoe boxes have been distributed to children, some of whom will never before have received any form of gift. The only criterion is that there is a genuine need. If you would like to help this very worthy cause, there are several ways in which you can do so.
First, you could buy some little gifts, toys or a ball, colouring books and pencils, bars of soap or a toothbrush and paste, or perhaps, gloves, hat and scarf. Next, you could bring the items to All Saints Church Hall on Friday 3rd November (afternoon) or Saturday 4th November, or come to help with packing the boxes. Alternatively, you could donate some money towards the cost of transporting the boxes. Sadly, the cost has had to be increased this year to cover additional transport costs etc., so any help would be much appreciated.
There are still so many needy children and the shoe boxes are a real way of showing unconditional concern for them. A small gift which means so much! If you would like to know more or would like to help, please feel free to contact me on 01954 250560.
Thank you very much.
Sue Hooks
All Saints Church Cottenham