Outdoor Gym at Landbeach Tithe Barn
Get active and involved at the Outdoor Gym at Landbeach Tithe Barn. On Saturday 23rd February from 10am till 1pm you can get active and involved and help the Landbeach Tithe Barn Trust tidy the hedge and meadow strip to the Tithe Barn.
The session will be led by our very own Landscape Architect and Horticulturalist. Wear sturdy shoes, gloves and warm clothing. Bring your own secateurs and shrub cutters if you can or there will be a few provided. No experience necessary, just enthusiasm. The unique medieval timber frame Tithe Barn will also be open for those who would like to take a peek. Of course there will be the all-important tea and biscuits on offer too!
You can find the gate entrance to the Tithe Barn opposite 2 Waterbeach Road, Landbeach, CB25 9FA. Walk along the uneven grassed track. We hope to see you there.
To register your interest visit Landbeach Tithe Barn Trust’s Facebook page or website