Rampton Tea Club – updated programme

Open to all adult residents of Rampton and neighbouring villages. There is no requirement to attend every meeting, just come when you wish! We have cake and biscuits!
Venue: Rampton Village Hall. Time: 2.30–4.30pm. Cost £2.00 -cash please-

Tuesday September 17th: Talk and training by Sam Clift and team. “Computer Training for Older People”

Tuesday October 1st: Tea and Chat

(updated) Tuesday October 15th – Tea and Chat

(updated) Tuesday October 29th: Talk by Tom Heap of BBC (Countryfile). Title to be confirmed.

Tuesday November 12th: Talk by Sharon Waller – Update on Sustainable Rampton.

Tuesday November 26th Tea and Chat

Tuesday December 10th: Christmas Meal- Details to be confirmed closer to the time

Tuesday December 14th: Christmas Songs/Entertainment with piano & festive nibbles. 

Contact: ramptonteaclub@gmail.com, facebook.com/ramptonteaclub