Waterbeach Military Heritage Museum
The museum tells the story of the former airfield from 1938 when the land was bought, the RAF arriving in 1941 and leaving in 1966. The Royal Engineers arrived in 1966 and left in 2012. The site is now being developed as Waterbeach (New Town).
What’s coming up at WMHM
Since the last copy of this great local publication three main things have occurred or are about to. Firstly, thanks to generous grants from Waterbeach Parish Council, Waterbeach Community Association and Urban&Civic the Waterbeach New Town Developers, we have, at last received delivery of four new lit display cases with storage cupboards underneath. We are now able to rearrange the museum and display more. We hope to have something about each RAF Squadron that served at Waterbeach at the same time as giving more space the Royal Engineers. So, if you are visiting for the first time or returning for another look there will be lots more to see.
Second is the offer of a number of model aircraft made by a member of the Royal Observer Corps. so we might have an example of each aircraft flown by the individual RAF Squadrons. These are a group of Lancasters which we hope to make an exciting display with sound and effects. Not arrived yet but in the next few months will be working on that.
Thirdly we are hoping to have on loan, initially with an option to purchase’ a carving from a 14h October 1944 80-year-old photograph of a Waterbeach Crew returning from an operation. It is 4 feet by 3 feet. Carved in lime stone and weighing approx. 200Kg. and to be mounted on a wall.
We are open on the first Sunday and Wednesday of the months from March to October 10am–4pm. Also, on the third Sunday all year when there is a Community Market at the former Barracks 10am–3pm. We will open for visiting groups at other times.
Contact us: waterbeachmilitarymuseum@waterbeach.org
Follow us on Facebook, or contact the chairman on home number 01223 861846
Location: Waterbeach Military Heritage Museum, Building 3, Waterbeach Barracks, Denney End Road Waterbeach CB25 9PA
We look forward to you visiting us.
Adrian Wright – WMHM Chairman