Willingham COVID-19 Response – looking for volunteers
Initially, there will be two reps for each zone (20 reps covering the village). We will try to place you in the zone you live in, but you may be asked to coordinate in a different zone. We expect reps to periodically step down, to recharge their batteries, so there will be opportunities for others to step up – we do not know how long the coronavirus outbreak may last. We want to look after everyone involved, so no one feels burdened. You will be supported in the hub by Willingham Village admin team, fellow reps and members. 💪
🗣 We will make it clear on the leaflet going to householders what we can and cannot do for them, to ensure we support those who need it most.
👏 A massive community thank you to Willingham Parish Council who are providing funds to purchase basic mobile phones (not smartphones) on a month-to-month contract, so you will not have to use your personal phone and number. When the leaflet goes out it will not have your name on it, just the contact numbers (as reps may change over time). ☎️
As a rep you are a vital life line to the community, so we want folk to understand the responsibilities involved before stepping up. You will be expected to:
👉 Be confident with Facebook. Ideally, familiar with group pages, or prepared to learn about them, as you will be made a group admin.
👉 Take phone calls/receive texts from those requiring assistance, and able to prioritise tasks
👉 Provide reassurance and obtain the necessary information needed to assist those in need.
👉 Coordinate action for members in your zone.
👉 Remind members to abide by Willingham ♡ Hub’s guidelines, including the latest government health advice.
👉 You will be a positive person, responsible and organised.
🔹Reps will not undertake any actions in the community, such as shopping. You will work remotely.
This will be a rewarding and, at times, a challenging role. If you would like to be considered as a rep, please send us a private message as soon as possible ⏳ (before Saturday 21 March) explaining what experience and skills you can bring to this role. ✍️ PLEASE INCLUDE your mobile number, an email address and your home address. *This information will be treated with the upmost confidentiality – and will not be shared publicly. We will respond to your message as soon as we can! *Some proof of ID will be required before you become a rep and are given a Hub mobile.
👋 We wish to reassure those who are keen to help but may not be able to be a rep, everyone has something to contribute, even those who are self-isolating – please be patient – this is just the beginning.