
Fen Edge News Editorial

The Fen Edge News (FEN) accepts articles and event listings from FECA member groups, subject to space.  FEN does not normally accept articles from non-members.

News items, or short term events that don’t meet the publication schedule can be posted on this website and/or on the FECA Facebook page.

The Spring/Summer 2025 edition will be distributed starting in mid-March 2025.  

The Copy Deadline is the date by which I must receive copy for it to go into that edition. For the next edition this date is 24 February 2025.  I will send out a reminder to all FECA member groups a couple of weeks earlier (the Canvas Date).

Issue  Issue Title Covers Period Canvas Date Copy Deadline
122 Spring/Summer 2025 April-July Fri 7/2/2024 Mon 24/2/2025

Please note the following:
• Photos are welcome (300 dpi min resolution for print), and will be used as space and quality permits.
• I will edit for language if necessary, and may need to edit for length in order to fit the material to the available space, or I may come back to you if I need help reducing length.
• If I run out of space, articles that arrive last may not make it into the edition, even if they arrive before the copy deadline.
• Material that has appeared elsewhere, such as in another newsletter in the Fen Edge Patch, or is a press release will have a lower publication priority.  This means if the edition is over full, such material will be cut, even if received well before the copy deadline.

I welcome attractive Fen Edge local photos for the front cover.

To allow a photo to be published:
• It must have the permission of the copyright owner (this will be acknowledged in the edition if the information is provided)
• If it includes adults taken in a private location, consent must be given by those adults
• If it includes children (even in a public location), consent of the guardian(s) of those children pictured should be given.  If necessary I  will obscure details so that individuals are not identifiable.

Adrian Stephens
Editor Fen Edge News, Fen Edge Community Association