Creating Signs for all seasons – at Cottenham Community Centre
Creating “Signs for all seasons” with Crazy Crafty Chicks at CCC. Wednesday 19th September 7-9 pm.
Continue readingFen Edge Community Association
A charity supporting Clubs, Groups and Societies in Cottenham, Landbeach, Rampton, Waterbeach and Willingham
Creating “Signs for all seasons” with Crazy Crafty Chicks at CCC. Wednesday 19th September 7-9 pm.
Continue readingBeautiful nurturing Postnatal Mum and Baby Yoga starting at the Cottenham Community Centre on Monday September 17th, 2018
Continue readingAn evening of relaxed art at the Cottenham Community Centre, Wednesday 5th September 7-9pm. To buy tickets, visit: or phone 07810 343 886
Continue readingThe Willingham Feast Dog Show takes place at the Duke of Wellington garden, Sunday September 30th, starting at 10.30am Entrants and sponsors sought! Here are the plans for the inaugural Willingham Feast Dog Show, kindly hosted by Barry and Fran
Continue readingWillingham Action Group is once again focusing its efforts on organising the Willingham Feast – primarily by coordinating other volunteer groups and organisations in the village as they do all the hard work! The Willingham Feast programme is now available
Continue readingBridge the Gap will take a walk on the wild side this year, with the University of Cambridge’s Museum of Zoology Bridge the Gap charity walk sponsored by Cambridge Building Society, was launched at Emmanuel College last night. The College
Continue readingDear Members In my report of last year as Chair of the Fen Edge Community Association (FECA) I set out three main priorities – to expand membership, to increase grant making and to increase the number of events we support.
Continue readingThis year the annual Cottenham 7K Fun Run was blessed with some wonderful weather on the May Day bank holiday weekend. This ensured a great crowd to cheer the runners on and to enjoy the morning market with over 20
Continue reading2018 is now well underway and it got off to the best start possible with Adrian Stephens joining the Fen Edge Community Association (FECA) team as Editor of the Fen Edge News. I would like to extend the warmest welcome to Adrian and I
Continue readingOnce again, we enjoyed a memorable weekend of music, food and activities and the weather was kind to us. I believe that the Festival represents all that is good about village life – a very spirited and dedicated group of
Continue readingThe focus of the Fen Edge Community Association is promoting and supporting local groups. We now have over 40 member organisations. Over the summer several of them have successfully applied for funding including Willingham Action Group, Cottenham Primary School PTCA
Continue readingDear Members I assumed the role of Chairman of the Fen Edge Community Association (FECA) following the AGM last year. I would like to extend my thanks to the Committee for all their work over the past year. Our first
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