Autumn 2023 | Chair’s Report
Hello my name is Mark Hurworth and, as the new Chair of the Fen Edge Community Association (FECA), I would firstly just like to pay tribute and thank the outgoing Chair, Lucy Dumbrell, for her hard work, dedication and commitment. Lucy has been an integral member of FECA for a number of years and the Association has continued to flourish and grow under her stewardship. She will be sorely missed and we wish her all the best with all her future plans.
My own involvement with FECA to date has largely been confined to organising the Cottenham Fun Run. I’ve been lucky enough to witness at first hand the benefits that are available and provided to member organisations and the wider community as a whole. It is worth stressing that events such as the Cottenham Fun Run and the Fen Edge Festival would not be possible were it not for the efforts of the volunteers that run various FECA committees. I’m very much looking forward to joining them in their efforts and expanding my involvement.
For those of you that don’t know, FECA is a charity run by volunteers (including trustees and other committee members) serving the catchment area of Cottenham Village College (the Fen Edge Patch) to raise money from community events and from advertising within the Fen Edge News which is then distributed back to charitable and member organisations by way of grants. There are currently 70 member organisations of all kinds. Each one has the opportunity of communicating with about 7,800 households in the patch through the Fen Edge News and also the opportunity to apply for grants from the money raised by the Association. Membership is currently £15 per year and we’re always on the lookout for new member groups.
As I write this, initial plans have just begun for the flagship event of FECA, the Fen Edge Festival, which is set to take place next summer. More on this to follow in future editions of the News as details are finalised but, suffice it to say, next year’s Festival looks set to be even bigger and better than ever.
The FECA management committee are always looking for new ways to raise money and run community events and welcome new ideas and involvement. If you feel you have anything to offer, no matter how small, please contact us – we’d love you to be part of the journey.
Many thanks – Mark Hurworth