Cottenham Craft Club
Cottenham Craft Club is a new weekly daytime craft group for anyone interested in craft, learning something new, or who would just like some company during the day. The Craft Club is held on the 1st 3rd and 4th Thursday of each month at Cottenham Community Centre from 1pm to 2.30pm.
Cottenham Craft Club is a social group where people can bring along their own small portable craft projects such as knitting, crochet, needlework etc. to work on alongside others, and possibly share skills with each other – or just come along for a chat.
£2 entry which goes directly to Cottenham Community Centre. Children always welcome, there will be toys and activities to keep them busy. Refreshments will be available.
Craft, chat, get happy!
When 3,545 knitters/crocheted were surveyed online more than half of those who responded said they felt ‘very happy’ after knitting. People who knitted/crocheted more frequently reported more mental and emotional relief than those who did it less frequently.
We now have a Cottenham Craft Club Facebook group where you can show us what you’re working on, share ideas, and post about local events. Find it by clicking on the group tab on our Facebook page. Feel free to add any crafty friends that can’t make it to our Thursday meetups.