Cottenham Cricket Club – Under 11s practice session
We are planning to run an under-11s cricket team this summer term for which both boys and girls can play.
We are looking for youngsters in year 6, and also year 5, who feel they would like to have a go at this. This will be a new team for us and we will be starting them off with a couple of fun coaching sessions with our professional coach in the Village College Sports Hall after school on Tuesdays, 4.30-5.30pm on Tuesdays 19 and 26 March. Our coach is brilliant with the youngsters and they’ll have a really good time.
The matches themselves will take place on a weekday evening during the school summer term, starting in May, and will be on our main cricket square at the Recreation Ground. If all’s looking good, and we have enough boys and girls to run the team, we’ll carry on with the group coaching after the Easter holidays.
Ring Dave Partridge, 01954 203210, for further details or just to chat about things.