Two generous grants from FECA for Willingham projects
At its first meeting under new Chair Eileen Wilson, the Finance and
General Purposes Committee (F&GP) of the Fen Edge Community Association
(FECA) responded to requests for financial aid submitted by Caroline
Hyde for Willingham Youth Trust and by Catherine Atkins for Willingham
Action Group – for equipment for Willingham’s new youth club and the new QEII
playground facility respectively – with two generous grants of £500 each.
The Committee regarded these as eminently deserving projects well
within FECA’s remit “to promote the benefits of the catchment area of
Cottenham Village College and its neighbourhoods”. Willingham-based
F&GP committee members Graham Mumby and Paul Knighton (who, after
presenting the cases, absented themselves from the discussions and voting)
gave their thanks on behalf of the village and in particular the hard-working
volunteers who have taken these two projects from ideas on a piece of paper
to tangible reality within such a remarkably short period.
It is worth noting that FECA’s funds are largely generated from
within Cottenham, the home of the majority of the committee members, who are
also among the most active fundraisers – none more so than Alan Leeks, who
recently resigned the F&GP Chair to take up chairmanship of Cottenham Parish
Council. So thank you Cottenham! This wider community support
also helps convince larger donors of the validity of these major local projects.
Report by Paul Knighton